Recent Acquisition Turnaround

4 consecutive months of gross margins in excess of 30%

Case Studies

Business Issue

A PE portfolio company in the government services industry had made a regional acquisition in the southeast two years ago. The region produced below average results that resulted in losses over many months. Integration into the parent company was met with stiff resistance.

Approach Taken

Flow Consulting installed an Interim Manager acting as General Manager for the region. The Interim GM steadily improved their data acquisition, converting the data to an effective dashboard allowing them to run the business profitably.


The Flow Consulting Interim GM was able to substantially reduce the resistance to integration, and successfully convert them into a team that lived by the data reflected in their daily dashboards. The region had four consecutive months of gross margins in excess of 30 percent overall. It was the first period of steady profitability since the acquisition.


Interim Manager Turnaround


Failed Yield Cost Savings