Strategy Development

Service Overview

Over its history, Flow Consulting has consistently demonstrated its commitment to fostering strategic business development for its clients. Specializing in high-growth initiatives, increased profitability, and enhanced competitive prowess, the consultancy has honed a unique approach centered around crafting strategies that not only possess a competitive edge but are also highly implementable.

Recognizing the hesitancy of many companies to engage in large, costly consultancy-driven strategy development, Flow Consulting stands out by offering a tailored solution that sidesteps the common obstacles associated with bigger firms. Instead of imposing external strategies, the consultancy strategically leverages the inherent resources and capabilities of the client company. This approach not only minimizes costs but also ensures that the developed strategies are grounded in the specific context and realities of the business.

An integral aspect of Flow Consulting's methodology involves delving into industry intelligence to unearth valuable insights that inform and enhance the strategic planning process. This dedication to information gathering contributes to the creation of strategies that are not only innovative but also firmly rooted in a deep understanding of market dynamics.

What sets Flow Consulting apart is its adept handling of the delicate balance between collaboration and directive leadership. By working in close partnership with the client, the consultancy fosters a sense of ownership over the devised strategies and implementation plans. This collaborative ethos ensures that the final strategy aligns seamlessly with the company's vision, goals, and internal dynamics.

In essence, Flow Consulting emerges as a dynamic force in the realm of strategic business planning, offering a pragmatic alternative to the conventional, cumbersome consultancy model. Through a judicious fusion of client resources, industry intelligence, and collaborative leadership, Flow Consulting consistently delivers strategies that are not only innovative but also highly executable, driving sustainable growth and competitive advantage for its diverse clientele.

Detail Offering

In the past Flow Consulting has engaged several clients in strategic business planning efforts aimed at achieving high growth, increased profits, and greater competitive strength. The driver of these efforts was a need for strategy with an edge and “implement-ability.”

Many companies shy away from the expensive, often distracting, large consultancy strategy development engagements. Flow Consulting’s solution overcomes the big firm obstacles by leveraging the client company’s resources and capabilities, uncovering and delivering industry intelligence, and providing the right balance of collaborative and directive project leadership. Working in partnership with the company consistently results in clear ownership of the strategy and implementation plan.

The following are three examples of past projects:

Issue 1: Growing Global Competition

Global industry leading manufacturer of fastening devices required a new strategy to address growing global competition and emerging product substitutes.

Results: Fastening Manufacturer executed a new strategy with a high level of buy-in at all levels which included implementation of lean manufacturing across consolidated sites and diversified product design resulting in innovative fastening solutions.

Issue 2: High Growth Strategy Needed

Global provider of security and investigations required a high-growth strategy in a turnaround environment, having executed numerous recent acquisitions.

Results: Security and investigations firm leadership team secured board approval and employee commitment to a strategic plan driving 15% compounded annual internal growth with a business-doubling acquisition strategy in year-3 of the plan.

Issue 3: New Business Model Mandate

Worldwide publisher was given a mandate by the board of directors to develop and implement a new business model in line with changing publishing trends, offshore printing options, and e-commerce opportunities.

Results: Publisher adopted and executed a strategy shifting the business from a publisher/distributor model to a direct online marketer model achieving increased revenue with an 80% reduction in titles, 60% reduction in inventory, and 60% reduction in overhead costs.

Flow employed the following approach::

  1. Analyzed company’s core capabilities

  2. Collaboratively set goals with leadership team

    1. 1 Long-term vision

    2. 2 Strategic initiatives

  3. Analyzed company’s industry

    1. Evolution and trends

    2. Competitors, customers, suppliers, and business partners

  4. Established and shaped value proposition and long term strategy

  5. Segmented customers by revenue and profit

  6. Identified and evaluated opportunity tiers

  7. Developed business plans for short and long term horizons

  8. Constructed detailed implementation plans centered on profitable high growth

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