Technology Utilization and Alignment

Service Overview

Assess your current as-is state on technology, review your business requirements and put together a technology roadmap that you can use to prioritize and implement the technologies needed to support your business.

IT Infrastructure Analysis

Review your existing infrastructure and performance requirements to support your business operations. Develop an operational model that recommends how to implement an automated monitoring/alert program for key infrastructure, identify key performance indicators in your infrastructure and develop an operational model that will drive reliability for IT services. Review technical architectures and make recommends to upgrade service, performance and reliability.

IT Organization and Service Assessment

Assess the people, process and technology being used to support business operations thru our benchmarking services. Develop recommendations and plans to dramatically improve the current state through our assessment process and model.

Software Selection

Work with our team of ‘provider independent’ Flow Consultants to help your team in the software selection process, be it ERP, CRM, Cloud Solutions, etc.:

  • Write the correct specification to match the goals and direction of your company – not too much and not too little

  • Invite the appropriate set of providers to compete – insuring that your needs and not their sales targets drive the process

  • Work with each provider to set up a live demo – again focusing on the specification and your needs, and not their multitude of offerings

  • Select the best provider that most cost effectively delivers what you need as a company

  • Negotiate the best long term deal, based on years of negotiation skills developed by Flow Consultants in this area.

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