Excessive Sales Force Turnovers

Annual interviewing time reduced by more than 60%.

Case Studies

Business Issue

More than 1400 annual openings were occurring in a sales force due to aggressive growth plans, acquisitions and typical turnover. Each opening averaged more than 40 days from the time of the opening until the position was filled. In some cases, sales call commitments to partners were not being met and substantial penalties were being assessed.

Approach Used

Flow Consulting collected data on the typical cycle time of the average opening, pulled a team together to run a focused kaizen session to address the issue, and targeted a “Zero-Time-to-Fill” goal for new openings.


The Flow Consulting team decided upon two thrusts to solve the issue. The first was to statistically analyze the timing of the openings within each region and hire “trainees” to be prepared to slot into the position one month before the projected opening. The second tasked managers to team and to proactively interview candidates in group settings to eliminate the single interview for a single position. Managers reduced their annual interviewing time by more than 60 percent, and more than 49,000 additional selling days occurred annually as a result of filling positions before the openings occurred.


Recovering Rental Equipment


Lengthy Order Cycle Time