Separate Company Integration

Complex Acquisition Integration

Case Studies

Business Issue

Three separate companies were acquired by a private equity firm within 6 months, with none of the companies identified as the ‘platform company.’ The challenge was to integrate the three companies into a single operating company as fast as possible. The task included creating common processes as needed and to integrate the parts into a cooperating financial entity.

Approach Taken

Flow Consulting tightly managed 14 work streams covering all business processes. This approach included the following:

  1. Coordinate all consulting firms involved providing services outside Flow Consulting’s expertise.

  2. Assign Flow consultants to each work stream based on process expertise.

  3. Provide guidance on change management, organization structure and leadership vision.


More than $1.5 million supply chain savings in the first year of implementation.

  • $17 million in increased sales due to business synergies.

  • More than $4 million overall EBITDA impact for year one.

  • Playbook developed for each work stream to support future acquisition integrations.


3.5% EBITA for a Grand Format Print Company


Sudden Supply Leader Departure